Welcome to "BKBB Exhibit Guide: Creative Uses of Academic Resources."
This two-page publication, partly inspired by historic newspapers at the Presbyterian Historical Society, is available for pick-up at PHS, 425 Lombard Street, Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm. Created by Xander Fox, the two-page printing gives tips for mining online and physical archives for information that can inspire creative student work. As Xander puts it: "Any sort of class can be applied to creative purposes."
Page 1 includes advertisements for the installations of six other BKBB student exhibit team members, including QR codes and URLs linking directly to their work. Page 2 contains maps of the BKBB student exhibit and Philadelphia cultural sites Xander recommends to student creators--and especially to writers looking to use historical materials in their Sci Fi and Fantasy.
Click on the captions below each page to display the full image.

Page 1: Creative Uses of Academic Resources
Including Xander's essay on creativity, installation advertisements.

Page 2: Creative Uses of Academic Resources
Including map of BKBB exhibit, Philadelphia sites of interest*, BKBB links.
*From Plan of the City of Philadelphia and Camden, 1876, by Samuel Augustus Mitchell